Just like I'd do so on any other morning, I opened my email inbox, and began to feel the familiar mix of trepidation and excitement well up somewhere in the depths of my stomach. I quickly scanned the list of unread emails, ignoring the spam, pausing for a split second at the one reminding me to renew my library subscription...and there it was, the one I'd been waiting for. I opened it quickly. I was hopeful, but my hope quickly gave way to disappointment as I read the text, in Gmail's clean, unimaginative, no-frills formatting.
"Dear Anuradha,
Thank you for your interest in my work. I'm sorry but we do not have any positions available currently..."
The last few months have turned into a gigantic exercise in sending emails for me. I stalk the people I'd like to work with, online. I spend hours poring over my CV, wondering whether to change this and that, or if the formatting I've used looks good enough. I keep typing out email after email and wait forever for a response, and when I do get a response it's usually disappointing. And then I sit down and swap stories with the bestfriend (who has been amazing, as always, in dealing with my meltdowns and existential crises. Woman, I owe you all the coffee in CCD.) Sigh. Internships seem to be way too competitive.
"Dear Anuradha,
Thank you for your interest in my work. I'm sorry but we do not have any positions available currently..."